Friday, November 30, 2012

my darlings

you are so funny gianna!  this is a rubber band on your face.  you laughed and laughed!!! 

i love you glenn, you have such sweet eyes!  you are shyer than your sister and are a mama's boy, which i love!  you don't snuggle up as much as you use to, i miss the hugs and kisses but i bet you will give them out again someday.  you love to laugh and play peek a boo.  when you cover your face you say "where are you" then "boo" when  you look!

gianna you love to give hugs all the time and ask for hugs all the time, "mama i need a hug!"  you really like to say that while i am driving!  you really really love to ask for "poo poo pee pee hugga hugga"  you describe these as hugs that you "fart poop and pee"  on the other person!  too funny!

you guys are starting to hug and kiss each other.  now you really love to wrestle and chase the other person!  so funny!  running through the house is your favorite thing to do with each other.

this picture makes me smile because of how sweet you guys were laying next to each other.  i want you guys to always be close and love each other.  my wish for you guys is to be friends as adults.

Friday, November 16, 2012

chesterfield halloween event

chesterfield had a halloween event which was just down the street from our house so we were able to walk to it!!  yay!!!  plus, this was another chance to wear the halloween costumes!

you were able to decorate a cat mask!

gianna, you were amazed by the man walking on stilts! 

glenn this is your first sucker and you LOVED it!!!!

you were so excited that your dad could come!  so much fun!

you played a game to win a prize!  you won a pink bracelet!

you both got a pumpkin!

poor glenn is still in the stroller.....someday buddy you will be out and about walking i promise!

you got to meet the gruff the police dog!

look at the excitement on your face!  you are 120 mph all the time!

a proud dad and his kids!  he loves you guys very very much

our walk home, it is fun to be up high on your dad's shoulders!

showing me your beautiful wings!

you are trying to fly

we were both so excited about how cool the picture turned out of a glow stick!

it was a fun evening with you guys! we are all excited and happy for the halloween season!


"remember this is only a moment not the rest of your life"  time is passing by so quickly!

you got a birthday present in the mail from uncle bryce and aunt leddy!  you said "i know it is for me because it says g.i.a.n.n.a." 

a boy and his dog!  haha! 

yes you are crossing your eyes again when i take a picture!  you are starting to color shapes and "write" when you draw!  you love to be creative!

this is how you color glenn!  every time we get the crayons out to color you dump them and put the box on your head like a hat!

i love the differences between you guys!  it amazes me daily how different you are and how much i can love each of you for it!

last field hockey practice 10-16-12

gianna you have been playing field hockey every sunday!  with the little divots league you go out on the field with just your teammates and your coaches!  you do such a fantastic job listen and playing your hardest!

okay well there is always time for a dance break!

"hi sweetie, i am still here watching you proudly!"  gianna i will always be there for you and watching over you! 

glenn wanted so badly to join the team!

"he shoots.....he scores!"  haha!  glenn would just stand there and laugh!

oh my handsome boy!  i am excited to see where the future takes you!

"123 LITTLE DIVOTS"  you love the cheer, you run through the house saying it and acting out what you do with your hands!

okay so now you have a new way to try and not get your picture cross your eyes and laugh! 

there is my sweet girl with a bubble beard!


haha!  i love you both very much.  thank you for adding joy and laughter to my life! 

trunk or treat

we got invited to a friend's preschool for a trunk or treat!  so much fun!  you guys got to get dressed up in your halloween costumes and get CANDY!

glenn this year for you 2nd halloween you are a giraffe!  you look so cute!

on our way there (it was in eureka so it was about 30 min away) you fell asleep!  before you passed out you said, "mama i don't want to go to sleep because when i sleep i get bigger and i don't want to get bigger! i want to stay 2 1/2 forever!"  honey, i don't want you to get bigger either! 

this was a "haunted" school bus!  you were so excited because you have always wanted to get on a school!  you got tickled by a goul while on the bus!  haha!  such a brave girl!

you were so good to stay in your stroller!  your sister got you some candy, at each car she would take one piece and then tell the people "i need a piece for my bro bro!"  she was looking out for you!

i love you both and i love seeing the relationship build between the 2 of you.  i hope you guys are always close and good friends!  now gianna your costume is a "monster butterfly"!  this is your own creation and i am so proud that you are a creative person!  first you picked a butterfly and got the wings at the butterfly house.  then we decieded to have a monster birthday party so your costume became a monster butterfly!  so much fun! 

there was a balloon guy there making really cool creations!  you could not wait to get a white dog so you can all it rose!  haha!  i think this picture is so sweet!

you walked right up to him and asked for a "white puppy and call it rose!"  i love how you will ask for what you want and need!  way to go brave girl

yay!!!!!!  you slept with this puppy until it all came apart! 

love you guys!  happy trunk or treat!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

dad's field hockey game

your dad coaches varsity field hockey at marquette high school.  we try and go to every home game, this game is the last home game of the season! 

right after this picture you got out of the stroller and started running around everywhere!  you get so excited to run after or away from your sister!  you laugh so much!

it is fun to run free! 

you both are so beautiful inside and out